1:1 somatic, soul-based, heart-led
healing containers

Dear courageous soul,
It’s time to break free from the cycles that have kept you stuck.
It's time to heal, not just for yourself, but for your ancestors and future generations.
When we heal - we end the cycle of trauma and transform our lives forever.
That healing ripples out into the world, contributing to our collective healing.
You may feel at a stuck-point and ready for the next layer of healing. Perhaps you’re in a life transition, a life crisis, going through an awakening, or in the chrysalis preparing for a re-birth. Everything seems to be crumbling. You’re trying to hold on to the familiar—the job, the relationship, the identity—but it feels like the universe has other plans.
The unknown and uncertainty is terrifying. Deep down, though, you know something isn’t right. You’ve been denying that voice within, the dissatisfaction with your marriage, career, or life. You minimize, invalidate, distract, and numb the feelings.
But your body is speaking to you. Your wisest self knows the truth.​
You wonder if you’re ungrateful, if your dreams are selfish, if your standards are too high. You fear judgment, fear change, fear making the "wrong" decision. So, you stay—feeling stuck and unfulfilled.
You doubt yourself.
Trust me— you are not crazy, and you are not alone.
Not everyone will understand you, and that’s okay.
But is that a reason to stay stuck? To settle?
I believe in you—
in your resiliency, your innate healing capacity, your ability to transmute darkness into light.
This life is yours, and it is sacred.
You are sacred.
Time has not run out. It is never too late to take steps (or a total u-turn) towards the life you are meant to live.

It's time to come home to your Self,
access deep inner wisdom,
tap into innate resources of love,
compassion and creativity,
reclaim an embodied existence,
and cultivate a sense of wholeness,
alignment, and aliveness.
Do you believe it's possible?
​In our 1:1 healing container,
we will co-create transformation using:​
Somatic (Body-based) approaches
Parts work inspired by internal family systems, inner child work, ​soul retrieval & shadow work
Theta healing®
Past life regression & beyond quantum healing
Art therapy
Nervous system care
Guided visualization & imagery practices
Mindfulness, meditation, & self-compassion
Subconscious belief work
Energy healing / frequency medicine
Tarot & oracle card wisdom
Intuitive & spiritual support​
We will tap into the wisdom of your body and emotions, the power of both left & right brain, conscious & unconscious minds, inner divine masculine & feminine energies - as we blend the science of trauma resolution with the magic of spirituality.

Together we can explore..
spirituality and spiritual awakening,
self-esteem, self-worth, and confidence issues,
people-pleasing, perfectionism, over-working,
authenticity, self-compassion, creative blocks,
shame, fear, sadness, resentment, anger,
chronic pain, illness, disease,
women's healing, reconnecting to the sacred feminine,
life transition, death-rebirth, dark nights of the soul,
childhood trauma & cptsd, attachment wounds,
anxiety, irritability, shutdown, disconnection,
relationship difficulties, healing after a toxic, codependent, and/or abusive relationship
life purpose, goals, dreams, and meaning.

“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.”
-Carl Jung
1:1 Somatic, Soul-based & Heart-Led
Healing Containers
What is a healing container? A container is a sacred space for transformation. It is a commitment on a heart and soul level to your own healing. A container creates a consistent, dedicated, and sacred time for you to show up for yourself and do "the work". It is a declaration (to yourself, your soul, the universe, ...) of your readiness for this next phase in your self-discovery journey. When you send out the energy of "I'm ready", the universe says "Ok, let's go!" and begins to reveal the path ahead. It creates a powerful energy that surrounds our work together and supports us on the journey.
Initial Commitment Options​
3 Month Container:
Weekly 75 minute sessions for 12 weeks (Total of 12 sessions)
Co-creative and tailored to honour your uniqueness: We can draw from a variety of holistic healing modalities
With between session integration practices
Access to all community healing events at no additional cost
6 Month Container:
Biweekly 75 minute sessions for 24 weeks (Total of 12 sessions)
Co-creative and tailored to honour your uniqueness: We can draw from a variety of holistic healing modalities
With between session integration practices
Access to community healing events at a reduced rate

You may be ready for a 1:1 healing container if . .
you've been on a self-discovery journey solo or with the help of a therapist or other healing practitioners, but it feels like you've hit a plateau or stuck point on your healing journey
you feel an intuitive pull to incorporate somatic and spiritual approaches to healing
you crave support that honours your uniqueness instead of a one-size-fits-all approach
you desire a more directive and collaborative approach
you seek a supportive and non-judgemental space where you can show up as your whole and authentic self
you feel a sense of readiness, spaciousness and excitement for more
you desire a more personal and intimate approach to healing to take you deeper in a safe and supportive way

Ready? Here are your next steps
1. Follow your curiosity and intuition
Book your initial exploration call. We will use this time to determine if we are a good fit before moving forward with working together. I can answer your questions and give you more information about this healing work.
2. Commit to yourself and your healing​
If we determine we are a good fit on the exploration call: We will take the next step and book your regular appointment (weekly or biweekly) for your initial 12 session container. You send out a clear signal to your soul/the universe/spirit/life "I'm ready to heal, let's do this!"
3. Surrender into your journey​
We co-create a safe container for deep transformation. All you do is show up, trust the magic of your own inner wisdom, and surrender into your healing process. And I will be by your side along the way.
4. Reflect, integrate, and celebrate the healing​
At the end of your 12 session container we will collaboratively explore the next steps. You may take time to pause and integrate, or flow directly into your next 12 session container.
“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.”

Are You Ready? Here Are The Next Steps.Book an initial exploration call. Click here If we determine we are a good fit: We will book your initial 12 session container together at a weekly or biweekly pace. (Or you will be added to my waitlist and we will discuss how long the wait may be based on our availabilities). I will send you a consent form to sign prior to our first session (Don't worry: It is very quick and easy, I do not ask for an extensive amount of sensitive and personal information upfront). Show up, surrender to the process, trust your inner wisdom, and know you have me as a guide and healing companion for the journey. At the end of our first 12 sessions we will reflect, celebrate the healing, integrate, and determine the next steps. You may choose to move right into another 12 sessions, or pause for a couple of weeks or more to integrate before starting again.
Session Length, Options & InvestmentSession Lengths & Fees 60 minute session: $200 + GST 75 minute session: $250 + GST *75 minutes is my standard session length 90 minute session: $300 + GST Extended Session Options Certain modalities require or have the option of an extended session. Extended Hypnotherapy (2 hours): $380 + GST Past Life Regression/Beyond Quantum Healing (2 hours): $380 + GST Full-Length Past Life Regression/Beyond Quantum Healing (3 hours): $450 + GST Groups & Workshops Rates vary, please check out each individual event page for more information on fees.
Virtual/Online SupportI work solely virtually at this time. I do not offer in-person sessions.
Availability & SchedulingI work with folks between 8am-3pm Pacific Time on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays (Each day varies a little but is always between those hours). I do not work in the evenings. If our availability does not align: Unfortunately we will not be able to work together.
Couples, Family, Group, Youth Counselling.I currently do not work with couples, families, groups, or youth.
Accepting New ClientsI am currently accepting new clients. Click here to book your initial exploration call
Initial Exploration CallsI offer 45 minute intial exploration calls at a reduced rate of $111 (Includes GST). These calls are are a no-pressure chance to meet, ask questions, learn more, get a feel for each other, and see if it is a good fit before moving forward.
Insurance Coverage & Direct BillingEvery insurance plan is different. Please check with your benefits coverage to see what it covers. Specifically, you want to see if a Canadian Certified Counsellor with the CCPA is covered. I do not offer direct billing. You are provided an invoice after each session with all of the necessary information to submit a claim. Sessions are paid for by e-transfer and your provider reimburses you.
FHNA, CVAP, ICBC, and Other OrganizationsI am not a registered service provider under any organization. If you are seeking a counsellor who is registered under FHNA, CVAP, ICBC or another organization then I would check their website for a directory of counsellors that are registered with them.
Reduced Rate/Sliding ScaleAt this time I do not offer lower cost/sliding scale services. There are a variety of free and lower cost options if you live in Vancouver or BC, such as: ​ Liberate Counselling Collective Affordable Therapy Network Ciel Community Counselling Qmunity Resource Centre First Nations Health Authority Urban Native Youth Association Vancouver Black Therapy & Advocacy Foundation Health Initiative for Men ​ And you can find many more on an amazing compiled list by: Quadra Wellness